Turkey Shoot
Open to the Public
Turkey shoots are held the 1st Sunday of each month. October-April.
Come join us for some fun and a chance to win. Shooting not required for meat raffles, 50/50 and scatter shoots.
Doors Open at Noon
Tickets go on sale at 12:30 pm
Shooting starts1:00 pm
Kitchen will be open until 3:00 pm
Turkey Shoots for 2024/2025 start October 6th One of the most popular events at the Club is the Turkey Shoot. For those that have never been, we don’t shoot at turkeys. We shoot at targets. Winners get cash and/or meat (like a whole slab of bacon). It’s fun for everyone, even if you are not an experienced turkey shooter. These are open to the public and usually draw a good crowd.
Non-members: $9.00/2 Shots
Members: $8.00/2 Shots
Money Shoots: $7.00/Shot